Life Coaching And The unorthodox kid :)

Ashish Doot
6 min readMay 4, 2021

Hey reader,

Welcome back Hope you just doing great in your life.

So today let’s talk about something called Coaching, and various other related things. So probably upon seeing the term COACHING , your mind gave you an picture of Your sports coach in school or The Gym Coach if you currently decided to become healthy and hitting gyms regularly, no wonders this is just one of the big trends going in our generation. I am also a fitness freak these days lol. So back to our topic Coaching, probably you are having an definition in your mind already but let’s makes ourselves more clear on this thing. So coaching is nothing but a partnership or a relationship between the coach and the client or learner ( technically often referred to as coachee, Forget it lets keep things simple, that’s how our brain understands more, Thank me later for this pro-tip). Coaching is defined in many ways these days but that’s not important what is more important is the essence of the coaching, and they are

  • To help a person change in the way they wish and helping them go in the direction they want to go.
  • Coaching supports a person at every level in becoming who they want to be.
  • Coaching builds awareness empowers choice and leads to change.

These days there is coaching in every aspect of our life. For example Every top athlete has a coach, there are business coach, health coach, spiritual coach whatever the field their tasks remain the same unlock a person’s potential to maximize their performance and don’t get confused we are talking about life coaching in particular here.

And as we proceed ahead its critical to distinguish the coaching from similar activities, we have tendency to generalize things so we always think training, mentoring, consultancy are all nothing but coaching only but lemme correct your knowledge here. They all sound similar but there is a thin line which separates them all, each one has their different characteristics and a different way. For instance

Mentoring is when a senior colleague, seen as more knowledgeable and worldly wise gives advice and provides a role model. Mentoring involves wide ranging discussions that may not be limited to the work context. A mentor is a sponsor with great professional experience in their client’s field of work whereas Counseling is working with a client who feels uncomfortable, or dissatisfied with their life. They are seeking guidance and advice. A counselor works remedially on a client’s problem. And Training is the process of getting knowledge skills or abilities by study, experience or teaching. The trainer by definition is the expert, and the training course is likely to be targeted on specific skills for immediate results. Training is also likely to be one to many rather than one to one. And a consultant provides expertise and solves business problems, or develops a business as a whole. A consultant deals with the overall organization or specific parts of it and not individuals within it. Consultants only indirectly affect individuals.

So now, you must been having an understanding what is coaching and how it differs from coaching, mentoring, counseling, consultancy. I tried my best to highlight that thin line which separates them all. Still didn’t get it, no worries these are whole separate topics which are beyond the scope of this blog. Lets back to our topic again Life coaching (though you can always switch on your laptops, go to the Google and research a bit that would definitely clear things)

So now moving to the next topic, Life coach and how can they help? So to answer this thing you must probably argue me here why would someone need a life coach as life is the topic discussed by everyone around, elders in our family, in our neighborhood, teachers, and ironically sometimes by the even younger siblings( not most of the time but sometimes when they try to lecture you , hope you understand what m trying to say) and don’t include the friends here as they got many other topics to discuss they don’t have time for these(Doesn’t apply to every friend though). So why need to have a life coach! So lemme fix your thoughts here what elders, neighbors give you is subjective biased advises not the coaching. Life Coach is someone expert who has his tools and technique which are helpful in solving life things. Just understand with this there are vast home remedies which we know but still we go and see a physician in the hospital if we become ill. So that’s goes same with the life coach, whenever got a trouble in dealing with daily chores, Go and see your life coach and feel the difference and try to notice how he is able to help you deal with your issues easily and effectively. Life coaches are there to aid their clients in improving their relationships, careers and day to day lives. They will help you clarify your goals, identify the obstacles holding you back and then come up with strategies for overcoming each obstacle. A good example would be here of you trying to quit smoking, if you are chain smoker and tried every best possible way to quit this habit and still didn’t get the desired outcome, A life coach can easily help you out of this with his preferred tool and technique. Don’t believe me okay try once, you will not be disappointed.

As everything in life, with every job comes the responsibilities and some duties, So according to me various duties and responsibility of a good coach includes, (as I learned from my coach) highlighting the choices present, commitment to success, challenge the client in positive way and to solely focus on the client and client only , not the money not the fame nothing but the client. As a coach he or she has responsibility to help the client in such a way that the client never comes back to the coach for the same problem and many more let’s not get you bored with all the details.

And now moving to me! Let’s talk about me why I like coaching and how can I justify my intentions to be a coach. Well I love coaching because of this inner need to help individuals, it started long ago when I noticed how there is lack of proper coaching particularly in life, because when I was going through the tough times I realized all the advices of elders and others doesn’t really work in the face of the adversity, they are merely the advices not the proper ways to tackle and overcome the adversities. I realized this thing soon and started looking for the answers and soon I realized there are many tools and techniques given by the wise minds which really help and are effective in dealing with things in day to day life and that changed me whole, firstly when I was complaining about the things now I thought that yes maybe god put you through these so that you can help others, And the need to help and love for coaching began in my life. Firstly It changed my life wholly, With all the tools and techniques (practical and easily applicable) life became easy and enjoyable. And I just devoted my whole life to this passion. I really feel happy whenever I am able to help any friend or other people whenever they ask for it .Smiling Faces who doesn’t like them. They are pure bliss. And I am just not talking here I have been completely devoted to this things for the last couple of years, enhancing my tools and techniques and knowledge and what not to help and empower the other person. And my intentions, well because I love what I do (coaching).

That’s all from my side today. Thank you for reading and giving your time

And remember “Life is simple but not easy” well it’s easy too with the life coach

See you again next week

The Unorthodox kid :)

